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Code of Ethics


An international Code of Ethics for nurses was first adopted in 1953. It has been revised and reaffirmed at various times since then; most recently with a revision in 1999. General in nature, but specific in application, it is most suited to the special challenges faced by travel nurses. There has never been a Code specifically adapted for travel nurses in every specialty and/or in general or advanced practice that travel throughout the United States and throughout the world. This adaptation of the ICN Code for Nurses helps make clear what has only been inferred before. Where reference is made to an individual in the Code, it also infers to family and community.


The need for healthcare is universal. Thus, healthcare is provided without prejudice. That is, the nurse treats all persons of whatever nationality, race, creed, culture, gender, politics or social status as humans to be respected and cared for equally. Respect for human rights, including the right to life, to dignity and to be treated with respect is intrinsic to the nurse/patient relationship. Nurses render health services to individuals, families and the communities and coordinate their services with those of related groups. The Code has five principle elements that outline the standards of ethical conduct.

Nurses and People

Nurses and Practice

Nurses and Co-workers

Nurses and Employers

* An adaptation of International Council of Nurses' Code of Ethics for Nurses, see

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