CRU48 Jobs

Want to talk about travel nursing with CRU48?

Give us a call. Everyone at CRU48 is ready and willing to answer any questions you might have. Whether you're uncertain about something specific or just want some general information about our exciting travel nurse opportunities, give us a call or e-mail us and let us help you in anyway we can.

Current & New Nurses & General Information: 800.530.6125, option 1  -  Monday-Friday, 8am-10pm EST and Saturday, 9am-6pm EST.


Mailing Address:
CRU48 Crisis Response Unit
PO Box 5028
Boca Raton, FL 33431-0828

Risk Management:

For any patient care incident or legal situation related to your care, please call number below immediately.

888.235.3321 or 800.513.5635

Discuss only with CRU48 Risk Management.

For additional information regarding Risk Management and Worker's
Compensation CLICK HERE.

Workers’ Compensation

For an injury related to your job or work activities please call CRU48’s Workers’ Compensation team immediately at 800.695.7810.

Email Form by Department and Need 

Email Form by Department or Need
Department or Need: *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Your Email Address: *
Phone Number:
Best Time to Reach:
Street Address:
Address Line 2:
State / Province:
Zip Code:
Your Speciality:
Subject of Message: *
Your Message: *


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$1250 Referral Rewards