CRU48 Jobs

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to dive right in and get started at CRU48 travel nurse staffing.

With CRU48, you'll never have to worry about sacrificing quality because you need a clinician at your facility fast. We specialize in placing travel nurses on assignment in as little as 48 hours. We thoroughly screen and evaluate all of our RNs before they are submitted as a candidate for your open position.

We employ those travel nurse professionals who have the credentials and experience to provide your patients with the best care possible. Before we will even consider submitting a nurse's profile, he/she must complete the following requirements:

Skills Checklist: Our skills checklist is the industry's only dual-rating scale skills assessment that enables clients to review experience as well as frequency of use of specific procedures.

On-Line Competency Test: Our testing system provides competency tests in seven clinical specialties, as well as IV therapy and medication administration. The tests are developed by clinical experts from around the country and go through a rigorous process of peer review prior to implementation.

Education: Must have valid education credentials and certification.

Employment: We ensure that all of our healthcare professionals have at least one-year experience in their area of clinical specialty. In addition, candidates should be able to account for any significant time gaps in their employment history.

References: We require written or verbal references that reflect the clinical and professionals performance within the last year. Each references must rated "standard" or "above standard" and are updated a minimum of every six months.

Clinicians: Joint Commission compliant and must maintain Basic Cardiac Life Support Certification through the American Red Cross or American Heart Association.

All of our screening is done on our end as soon as a nurse applies to become a CRU48 travel nurse. This ensures that we are able to place the nurse quickly without ever giving up quality in the process.

Contact us here.

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$1250 Referral Rewards